Central Build Version V6.1.1.8- Release Notes

Location(s) Affected : Central
Release Date : 01-10-2021
Update to the ASSAM Central Application
1. Export Genuine certifciate
2. Through Transport Permt
3. Additional Bottling Fee option
4. TP Revalidation for the expired TP's with 5000
5. Value Added Pack
6. Retailer Indent print showing orginal quantity and modified quantity
7. IOE have option to change the vehicle number
8. In EVC list view need to add Consignee name - SOE and HQ logins
9. Grand total of the indented cases at the time of indenting
10. EVC received date inluded -- Vehicle arrived date at the time of checklist
11. URC Receving process
12. URC Local permit process
13. URC Licensee approval process
14. URC Import permit Process
15. Font of Brand name reduces in all prints
16. Indent traking for nodes & Status nomenclature and prior information of indent / permit before permit approval to the source location.
17. Permit prints added signiture and qr code once pass generated
18. Showing Bulk ltrs and Total bottles in EVC Print
19. New landing page